Student Details

You can view all the personal and enrollment-related information for the students on the Student Details page.

Note: Only school administrators and teachers can view student details for their organizations.

To view the student details, you can select a student view from the My Students list.

You will be redirected to the Student Details page, shown below.

All the details related to the selected student will be displayed here.

You can add or edit the details of the Guardian by clicking the edit icon in the Guardian profile view. Upon clicking, you will be redirected to the Edit Guardian Details page, shown below.

Note: Only school administrators or teachers can add guardian details.

You can also view the enrollments from the Student Details page by switching to the Enrollments tab after student details. All the courses in which the student is currently enrolled will be under the Enrollments section.

You can mark enrollments as Active or Inactive from the Enrollments page. Click on the edit icon on the Enrollment card which will redirect you to the Edit Enrollment Details page.

You can modify the enrollment details from here. You can also add, edit, or view the schedules on the Edit Enrollment Details page, shown above.


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