Receive Payment

You can receive payments from customers for the invoice. This will be reflected in the particular invoice.

Payments can be received in many ways. The image above shows the Edit Enrollment Details page for a student. It has the Payment Due section visible on the right side of the screen where all the pending payments are shown, regarding the student's enrollment.

You can select the Receive Payment link that will redirect you to the Receive Payment page, shown below.

The Receive Payment form will show information about the invoice amount, outstanding balance, and dates. You can select the mode of payment by which the customer is going to pay and enter the amount received. You may also save the reference number if the mode of payment is carried through bank, checks, or card transactions.

By clicking on the Received Payment button, the paid amount will be reflected in the invoice. The outstanding balance, if available, will also be updated.

Another way to receive payment is from the Reports page.

Navigate to the main menu to select Accounting > Reports. On the Invoice Report page, navigate to the Status column where you will see the invoice actions dropdown menu. Click the Receive Payment option to navigate to the Receive Payment form to update the received amount.

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