
All user types, school administrators, teachers, students, and parents, can see the dashboard on their home page.

You can see the widgets such as

  • the Upcoming Classes,
  • the Invoice Summary,
  • the Fee Collection Trend,
  • the Class Trend,
  • the Course Trend,
  • the Notifications,
  • and Self Performance (for specific users).

Upcoming classes

After logging in, you can see the upcoming classes and enter the classroom by clicking on one of the classes.

Invoice Summary

The Invoice Summary widget will display the number of open and overdue invoices. You can click one of the two options and navigate to the Reports page.

Fee Collection Trend

Only the school administrators and teachers can see the Fee Collection Trend widget in their dashboards.

See trends of the past three months of how many invoices were created compared to the number of collected payments.

Class Trends

See trends of the past three months of how many classes were scheduled compared to the actual number of conducted classes.

Course Trend

School administrators and teachers can see the Course Trend widget in their dashboards.

See trends of the past three months of how many students are enrolled in each offered class.


You can see all the notifications from the activity of the school administrators, teachers, students, and parents.

Your Performance

Only students and parents can see the Your Performance widget in the dashboards.

If you're a student or a parent, you can see your (or your child's) performance in the classes they completed.

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