You can also generate invoices automatically based on your students. You can set it during the time of enrolling a new student or while creating a new schedule.

On the enrollment page, you will find the Invoicing Schedule section and the Auto Generation of Invoice section. Here, select your invoice generation preference.
For instance, if you select 'Monthly,' the invoices will be generated monthly on the specific date that you specified on the Invoice Setup page. You can change this date by clicking the My Account > Profile > Invoice Setup > Invoice Send On under the Monthly section.
Once you select the Invoicing Schedule and enable the Auto Generation of Invoice option, Mousiki will create the invoices immediately for the classes which fall behind the next invoice scheduled date.
If you opt for the Monthly schedule, the invoices will be created for the upcoming month classes on the invoice date.
If you opt for the Weekly schedule, the invoices will be created for the upcoming week's classes.
If you opt for the Per Session schedule, the invoices will be created for the cumulative day.
You can also choose the auto invoice generation option on the Create Schedule page, as shown below.